

Favorite films

  • Mysterious Skin
  • My Life in Pink
  • Your Name Engraved Herein
  • Love of Siam

Recent activity

  • Fair Haven


  • Goodbye Mother


  • Night Flight


  • Blue Spring


Recent reviews

  • Fair Haven

    Fair Haven


    "I've been running this place for the last 20 years for my dad when i should've been running it for you [...] The farm isn't family, we are."

    This is so sweet, it feels like a soft, cool breeze while you're on a flower field with butterflies around you, everything's so soft and incredibly awesome yet so natural and real

  • Goodbye Mother

    Goodbye Mother


    Family problems are always a good topic for movies. I think this film did a great job at representing all of the things it sets to.
    It was like a strawberry to me, it's happy and beautiful but it's also kinda sour, i hate to deal with this kind of problems
    I cried of joy and sadness, and felt a little angry too. It is such a natural experience that you don't even notice when your feelings change
    It is the type of movie to watch while you're having dinner alone.


Popular reviews

  • The Fire That Burns

    The Fire That Burns


    Esse filme me deixou sem palavras, foi inexplicável a sensação que eu senti vendo isso. A fotografia e a ambientação são impecáveis, a atuação é divina, a história é muito boa e os personagens são bem escritos. Eu simplismente amei, não esperava todas essas emoções quando fui assistir. Sobre o souplier e o servais, eu simplismente amei tudo envolvendo eles, a amizade e o amor deles é muito fofo e muito leve, mas eu gosto de pensar q eles se…

  • Blue Spring

    Blue Spring


    Sadly intense with a great acting, beautiful camera work and a heavenly accurate soundtrack.
    Seeing young people throwing away their youth is something that makes me think a lot, it got me crying for so much different reasons.
    I was so sad seeing Aoki do all of these things... I really felt like a mother watching her son make the wrong choices, it made me deeply sad.

    It is so good that got me paying attention to almost all of…
