

Favorite films

  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Donnie Darko
  • Once Upon a Time... in Hollywood
  • Ring

Recent activity

  • Django Unchained


  • Puparia


  • Fantastic Mr. Fox


  • Isle of Dogs


Recent reviews

  • Puparia



    the eyes are staring at you

  • Isle of Dogs

    Isle of Dogs


    a 12 y.o. boy and a bunch of dogs that fight anti-dog propaganda

Popular reviews

  • Oppenheimer



    Definitely the best biopic movie I've ever seen, Oppenheimer bener-bener kerasa feelnya gimana dia nyesel nyiptain bom hidrogen & gimana busuknya politik Amerika. Beberapa hal yang mengagumkan:
    • R.D.J disini aktingnya bener-bener lain, bukan keliatan Tony Stark
    • Ilustrasi fusi nuklir, reaksi atom, proton & neutron menakjubkan
    • Scoring music bener-bener kerasa, apalagi pas Oppen nyesel bikin bom
    • Scene ending bikin takut jir, gimana ilustrasi bom nuklir hancurin bumi
    • Dan yah, film Nolan biasa scene non-linear tapi masih bisa dipahamin

    "Now I am become Death, the Destroyer of Worlds."

    J. Robert Oppenheimer from Bhagavad Gita.

  • Donnie Darko

    Donnie Darko


    "Why are you wearing that stupid man suit?"

    Bought the DVD today, Donnie Darko's plot and timeline throughout the movie got me curious but also confused at the same time. The timeline is non-linear, so it makes me think how to arrange the actual timeline after watching it. Despite its timeline, I still enjoyed the movie, especially when I noticed that Tears for Fears's "Head Over Heels" and "Mad World" tracks are in this movie.
