insecure about the number of films that i haven’t seen yet

Ornella 💟

Favorite films

  • Mulholland Drive
  • A Clockwork Orange
  • Yannick
  • Irreversible

Recent activity

  • Pierrot le Fou


  • Chungking Express


  • Nosferatu


  • Souleymane's Story


Pinned reviews

  • Mulholland Drive

    Mulholland Drive


    For Christmas, i had a Mulholland Drive DVD.
    Besides the other presents, this one was my favorite, my heart was full of joy and i couldn't stop staring at it. 
    This movie mean so much to me, i feel like it is like a family member that i've known forever and who i'll love with every inch of my heart. 
    This scenario is for me the best ever created by a human soul until the world was created and i…

Recent reviews

  • Pierrot le Fou

    Pierrot le Fou


    Serge Gainsbourg - Bonnie and Clyde

  • Chungking Express

    Chungking Express


    I'm not the pro of Wong Kar Wai's filmography, but I can say that most of his films show "Mr. and Mrs. Everyone" who fall in love. It's really his signature. It portrays ordinary people who have an innocent love for other ordinary people. I love his photography and his love for music and love so much. This one is one of my favorites. So mythical. How could I forget that they were both in California but the only difference…

Popular reviews

  • The Kingdom

    The Kingdom


    Splendide… Ces monologues à faire briser un coeur en millions de morceaux et cette relation père fille si touchante et bouleversante. Le réalisme du jeu m’a impressionné et m’a fait pleurer bien plus que je ne le pensais. Des plans magnifiques et les regards de chaque acteur… Wow.

  • 12 Angry Men

    12 Angry Men


    watching one of my favourite movie of all time in english class is pure hapiness