

Intergenerational trauma fuels my love for movies

Favorite films

  • 45 Years
  • Beau Is Afraid
  • Supernova
  • Minari

Recent activity

  • Sing Sing


  • Shoes

  • Dawn of the Deaf

  • Dead End Drive

Recent reviews

  • Omen


    This film is a visual masterpiece. Every single frame is beautiful. I’ve chosen not to rate this film, because it divulges into filmic and narrative aspects I’ve never seen before, due to its cultural significance (something I want to explore further ). That being said, I absolutely adored its episodic structure and insights. While I agree with some comments on the film being slightly convoluted and over stuffed with its narrative focus, it works to the films advantage (imo). We don’t get insight into one character but multiple, all with incredibly interesting stories to tell. What a film!

  • My Contribution

    My Contribution

    It’s absolutely fascinating and heartbreaking that you could place this film in the modern day, and it would still be as powerful and apparent as it was in the 60’s

Popular reviews

  • The Creator

    The Creator


    This film was… fine. Some real lacklustre writing here with plenty of plot contrivance's. 
    I went to see this with my friend and we both agreed that there is an amazing movie in here somewhere. 
    Visuals ✅ 
    Beginning of the movie ✅ 
    Final act ✅ 
    Everything in between ❌ 

    I think if they were to focus on the actual AI becoming a sentient being and focusing in on these we have a ground breaking contemporary sci fi masterpiece; but this…

  • A Clockwork Orange

    A Clockwork Orange


    Third time trying to watch this film. Honestly the worst 15 minutes I have had to sit through. Maybe this goes somewhere, maybe the SA scenes have some kind of messaging (in fact, I’m sure they do), but I personally cannot sit through such vulgar and distasteful abuse of any kind of person.
    Don’t hate me