Hello it is me Osmo I watch films and things sometimes isn't that so cool,,
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
i won't lie i was glued to the screen the entire time,,
Somehow, this movie has managed to make me miss a tv show I've never watched, it's managed to make me mourn for the cancellation of a tv show that doesn't even exist,,
I think, the reason I Saw the TV Glow works so well for me is that it so perfectly encapsulates a feeling that I had long since missed,, The feeling of suffocating inside your own skin…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
who was her interior designer and why did they decide to make her bathroom look like a padded cell,, that was some very melodramatic egg whisking my god,, also i was watching the credits and i'm pretty sure it said there was a whole an entire prosthetics team dedicated specifically to Sue's boobs?????? Im assuming it means "monster" sue?
Okay in all seriousness, idk what to make of this. I won't lie, I found myself checking how long it…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Where to even start,,,
This movie is a concoction of artistry on display in every area, the score, the animation, the writing, the voice acting, all of it, phenomenal,,
Every universe looks so distinct and different in style, there are so many unique character designs on display, everything is so well put together,, I love how spot was a villain of the week who turned out to be a much bigger deal,, I love how grounded in real struggles and…
Okay so basically imagine being high, and watching something that was written by someone who was high, where half the actors were high, and also there's vaseline smeared all over the camera.
I don't even know how to give this a rating because it's so insane. It's not,,, good,,, But also it's absolutely incredible,,,
The Zarbi should make a return tbh