

I don't know why I'm in this website, but might as well be the medium where I pour my otherwise fleeting thoughts from watching movies.

Favorite films

  • Love & Pop
  • Neon Genesis Evangelion: The End of Evangelion

Recent activity

  • Spirited Away


  • The Dark Knight


  • Frieren: Beyond Journey's End


  • Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo


Recent reviews

  • Spirited Away

    Spirited Away


    Honestly, watch it

  • The Dark Knight

    The Dark Knight


    How come they don't make superhero movies like this anymore?

Popular reviews

  • Princess Mononoke

    Princess Mononoke


    Definitely one of the more gruesome Hayao Miyazaki films, still hella good tho

  • Love & Pop

    Love & Pop


    "What's a human without a purpose?"

    This film to me feels like an eye opener than anything, discovering how messed up and manipulative the underbelly scene of Japan's nightlife is, with young high-school female (JK) being the driven-object for "Subsidized-Dating", from older men seemingly to satisfy their desires, well it's basically soft or even borderline prostitution in some cases. Since it's a Hideaki Anno film, it's no surprise to have a really excellent cinematography, while this "excellent" may not be…
