

favorite film genre : warm hug

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  • La La Land
  • Monisme
  • Dead Poets Society
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  • It's What's Inside

  • Haji Backpacker

  • Pray, Begin

  • 3 Wishes 3 Loves

Recent reviews

  • It's What's Inside

    It's What's Inside

    style directing + editing + akting yang kreatif banget!! Although my slow brain sometimes can't follow the extremely fast pace of this film. But damn, asik nihh 🔥

  • Haji Backpacker

    Haji Backpacker

    asik nih ❤️

Popular reviews

  • A Long Way to Come Home

    A Long Way to Come Home

    Keluarga kandung gak selalu jadi tempat terbaik dan ternyaman, rumah gak selalu didapetin semua orang walau sebenernya mereka keliatannya sudah punya "rumah". Everyone has their own way and wants to live their life, to be in the best place they could call it a home, to be surrounded by people they choose to be their family. Egois adalah label yang selalu datang dari orang lain. Walau memang terkadang benar, namun seringkali secara gak sadar kalau sebenarnya mereka pun egois pula.…

  • After the Curfew

    After the Curfew

    Akhirnya nonton juga filmnya Pak Usmar Ismail, and i gotta tell you he's that good as people have been saying ♥️
    "Habis manis, sepah dibuang"
    A film about post-war effect on a character named Iskandar. Dilemma in his head, can't get back to normal life, and guilt for what he did in the past. Pak Usmar Ismail direct film ini dengan efektif dan tulisannya juga gak bertele-tele, dibantu dengan sinematografi yang gak ngebosenin.
    ARGHHH dan scene pesta sambil nyanyi "Rasa Sayange" dan "Potong Bebek Angsa" was so satisfying ✨