I didn’t come here for licks
This has immediately become an new favourite.
I am so in love with Claire Keegan’s writing, and this adaptation is as moving and simply wonderful.
A lovely, lovely film, with absolutely stunning performances. My eyes are like puddles right now.
That certainly was visual. - Eve
Jim Jarmusch has an incredible ability to provide his audience with visuals that are incredibly detailed and full of information.
All of the sets in this film are enticing and make your eyes wander away from the performances which is almost a bad thing.
Hiddleston and Swinton make for brilliant “snobbish” vampires. (Even though they’re not really). They’re just cool as fuck.
The fact that we hear John Hurt’s Marlowe refer to Shakespeare as…
All for the representation here but it’s disappointing when the story, characters and dialogue are thinly written.
A whole lot of nothing happens and anything that does happen is either predictable, strangely contrived or just eye-rollingly dumb.
1.5 stars for a few glimpses of comedy.