Odidyousee the bod on Ralph Fiennes!?
Alternative review: Damn, he's FIENNES! [click here for pronunciation guide]
Odidyousee the bod on Ralph Fiennes!?
Alternative review: Damn, he's FIENNES! [click here for pronunciation guide]
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Random thoughts:
- 4:3 format, why? Except for getting that sweet, sweet Power Rangers feeling nothing good came of it.
- Is Bank seeks architect really headline worthy?
- Who mops a grate?
- Soo much pointless, ugly slow motion, but at least that is Snyder on brand.
- So you are telling me Darkseid FORGOT the only planet where he lost, the one where he had discovered the ultimate weapon? Noone on one of those ships felt it pertinent…
Don't get fooled by the poster, this is NOT an OMAHA-movie.
I loved this movie, for two main reasons.
1) Liam Neeson is a fantastic dramatic actor, something that has been obscured by his later year action movie persona (which is also very enjoyable)
2) People who don't know about 1) will be annoyed with this slow paced, beautiful, sad, weird and ultimately heart breaking movie.
Ron Perlman is (as always) great in this, but I wan't to spotlightFrankie Shaw…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
How disjointed are the two episodes smushed into one tv movie? Honestly, I didn't spot the seam.
Story: Somme ★★★½ - A "horrors of the trenches"-story where people die from mustard gas and flame throwers, with a interesting sub-plotline of a mutinous soldier who may or may not be a murderer of officers. Germany ★★★★½ - The Great Escape light with comedy, ingenuity, elegance and De Gaulle! The castle prison gave me so many ideas for future role playing game…
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
Boring, bad and the worst kind of slow.
Good: Saw this at the "Surprise" screening at the 2018 Stockholm International Film Festival and suspected it to be an Uwe Boll movie. When the credits proved me wrong I felt kind of sad, as I hoped Boll was the only "provocateure" left making this kind of tripe with a cinema audience in mind. That's the only true emotion this movie provoked from me...
Bad: ...and this movie has a scene where…