Deleting tags…
- with tc 148
- i had fun 52
- backlog 51
- comfort movie 45
- favorite 31
- with roxy 31
- with karen 29
- horror 28
- comedy 25
- with isaac 25
- beautiful 23
- new comfort movie 22
- comfort romcom 20
- made me sad but that's fine 19
- romcom 19
- alone 17
- charming 17
- halloween 17
- at one point i loved it 15
- action movies i actually like 14
- idk 14
- musical 11
- with brent 10
- romance 9
- fuck jk rowling 8
- fuck yeah 8
- with delaney 8
- hmm 7
- not rating 7
- unremarkable 7
- way funnier than it has any right to be tbh 7
- young me 7
- holiday 6
- interesting 6
- women— 5
- flawed but interesting 4
- watched too young 4
- i remember being slightly charmed 3
- never gets old 3
- perfect 3
- with izzy 3
- with kara 3
- dad 2
- dramas i actually like 2
- fever dream 2
- horror favorites 2
- need to rewatch 2
- not charming 2
- perfect ending 2
- short 2
- tight 90 2
- with nell 2
- 4dx
- a younger and dumber me did watch this like 8 times in a mexican movie theater
- concert movie
- don't remember
- fell asleep in the theater
- french
- i get it now
- i remember loving it but i don't remember it
- i remember not loving the ending
- i'm so glad we let kristen stewart do cool roles now
- imax
- maybe the most fun i've had in theaters in years
- mockumentary
- my boyfriendddd
- ocd
- on shrooms
- rambling
- sci-fi
- so sick
- taylor <3
- that ending...
- was gonna give it a half star but alexandra daddario
- with geno
- yaoi if you squint