Scott Derrickson pal, maybe we need to stick to horror from now on lmao
The later elements of the film were actually kinda gnarly so I enjoyed those bits the best.. as for the former…..
Just know that one of these stars is for Anya Taylor Joy btw…
I’m all for preserving the sanctity of childhood classics and a staunch believer in “why did we need to make this” but like guys…. I think some of y’all are making this out to be deeper than it needs to be….
It was fine! The scenery/cinematography is the real star here and yeah, I thought the CGI looked pretty damn good too! Like please go watch a CGI lion in a movie from 15 years ago and then watch this…
serious review:
Boy does this movie make me glad I live right on the edge of suburbia and miles and miles of land where sometimes there’s only empty looking houses and nary a streetlight! 😃 I definitely won’t be thinking about that on my next evening dinner run!
silly review:
“Hit her, Grandpa! Get her! Yeah get her!”
grandpa: 👴🏻
The opening scene of this film is exactly what I was hoping for and not at all what I got in the rest of the film, save for a scene involving Nicholas Hoult in the woods… Don’t get me wrong, the atmosphere is great, but that alone doesn’t always make a movie!
If I had a nickel for every time the opening scene of a horror movie was the best part of it this year, I’d have at least three nickels! Which isn’t a lot but it’s pissing me off that it’s happened that many times now.