
Para_Rock Pro

Please help me to get out of here

Favorite films

  • The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
  • Arrival
  • Scott Pilgrim vs. the World
  • Harry Potter und ein Stein

Recent activity

  • Army of Darkness


  • Jumanji


  • Harry Potter und ein Stein


  • Evil Dead II


Recent reviews

  • Robinson Crusoe

    Robinson Crusoe


    This isnt Robinson crusoe. This is just a imperialistical dude on a absurde survival hawaii trip

  • 9



    Wow, LittleBigPlanet is much more deeper and darker than I thought.

    And yes I see why this movie wasn`t in cinemas, but it's the perfect movie when you`re lying drunk in your bed and want to watch something until you`re tired.

Popular reviews

  • Evil Dead II

    Evil Dead II

    If this film is serious it is boring, stupid and has nothing to convince me. If the film is supposed to be funny it is boring, stupid and has nothing to convince me.
    One star only because of the exessiv blood and the chainsawhand.
    And the ending is the badest LSD Trip Ive ever had.

    Overall this film took my will to live.
    Go back to the hell you came from.

  • Army of Darkness

    Army of Darkness


    Finally it's clear what the film wants to be. A nice "horror" comedy that has funny scenes and jokes like when Ash explained the castel dwellers his shotgun, along with a so far-feched story, that dosen't matter anyway, but is good for what it is. And finally its not: oh shit, demons; now its a large army of deads in the Middle Ages that can cause more harm. Also I like the fact that the film dosen't take itself seriously at all and dosen't care about anything. And extrapoints for the cool shawl in the castel.
