A movie enjoyer writing reviews for fun.
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It's a full of nostalgia, really nice love letter to Spider-Man. The power of this movie were the villains, especially Dafoe's Goblin. The way the plot resolved was a little weak as well as some plot points in it.
It's too long and it would probably be shorter if every character didn't make a pause after each spoken sentence. It's also really hard to get attached to them. They just talk, go to some places and fight CGI lizards, dogs and eagles every half an hour. But I really liked cinematography in this one.
It's crazy to think that this one was written by the same guys that wrote Skyfall. It's full of the most absurd ideas ever filmed in the entire Bond franchise.
In 2015 when one half of the brats was waiting for Avengers: Age of Ultron and the other half was waiting for Star Wars The Force Awakens I was waiting for Spectre. Craig's Bond was my childhood hero and seeing the end of his story was very emotional. The weakest point was the Moonraker-esque villain with no idea how to fit him into the story.