Patricio Cámara Rubio

Patricio Cámara Rubio

I make and watch films on occasion.

Favorite films

  • Call Me by Your Name
  • Carol
  • Cléo from 5 to 7
  • Anastasia

Recent activity

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


  • Nuovo Olimpo


  • An Urban Allegory


  • Blank Narcissus (Passion of the Swamp)


Recent reviews

  • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

    Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs


    truly, a pure work of art

  • Nuovo Olimpo

    Nuovo Olimpo


    This film had a lot of heart. You can feel how the director cared for these characters. Third act was quite weak. I think they extended it too much, could’ve been shorter, tighter and wish the sound designer & composer had followed the example of the wonderfully scored Italian films that precede this one as opposed to an Americanized traditional scoring that only detracted from carefully built sentimentality, leaking it all into unnatural melodrama.

    Made me want to move to Rome,…

Popular reviews

  • Fellow Travelers

    Fellow Travelers


    “My whole life I waited for God to love me. Now I’ve come to realize that what matters is that I love God. I can say the same thing about loving you.”

    This is Mad Men meets Oppenheimer meets The Boys in the Band. A glorious homage to a generation of queer males that were ravaged by their time and place. Such a poignant and beautiful series.

    I’m grateful we got to see so much gay sex, amen.

    I’m on the floor.

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

    Everything Everywhere All at Once


    We were shooting on a location for this Showtime gig I’m on, squat in the middle of Times Square, which sounds just as fun as you’d imagine. It was supposed to go on till 9PM, but we wrapped at 5:00 and everyone was in good spirits about that. I realized I had an afternoon off, and I saw a taxi with an ad for this movie drive by in front of me. I thought to myself “why not treat myself…