do NOT recommend watching with your family members the sex scene goes on for WAYYYY too long
besides that it’s hilarious as always
do NOT recommend watching with your family members the sex scene goes on for WAYYYY too long
besides that it’s hilarious as always
men will do anything but go to therapy🙄including going through memory erasing procedures on a whim because they can’t deal with their emotions and they’re mad their ex also erased them on a whim😭
this movie was kinda weird but i think i liked it? idk sometimes you need a “weirder” movie not that it’s weird i think it’s a very interesting concept but you know just not conventional plot…idk i just love a little timeline mix sometimes i like…
kinda dead poets society for girls but why couldn’t they just let them be lesbians?!?
i hate men and also women who go against their own interests
ps joan girl you’re gonna wake up in 40 years and you’re gonna look at that man and you’re gonna think “i got into yale law school i could’ve been a lawyer but i wasn’t and for what?!? this motherfcker right here?!?!” he might have even cheated on you idk his best friend…