

Es tu corazón el que se lo toma mal y el que siente angustia ante la realidad, es tu corazón el que decide cual es la realidad auténtica.

Favorite films

  • Lost in Translation
  • Lolita
  • Before Sunset
  • Amélie

Recent activity

  • The Hangover


  • Three Steps Above Heaven


  • The King's Speech


  • Triangle of Sadness


Recent reviews

  • La Chinoise

    La Chinoise


    La enseñanza es perpetuadora del problema de clase, de la cultura de clase. Hasta los obreros se vuelven burgueses si quieren ver oro.

    Ens han fet creure que l’educació és la salvació, però qui ens educa? I es que són precisament les classes dominants les que tenen el control d’aquesta. Serà que l’educació és simplement un mecanisme mitjançant el qual aconsegueixen que acceptem un determinat rol dins la societat? Depenent del qué necessiten, i com ho necessiten?

  • Adam's Rib

    Adam's Rib


    I'm not a Doris Attinger apologist because there is nothing to apologize for. Crazy how that guy was the cheater, yet she was the one on trial

    Katharine Hepburn’s character is my role model, astonishing performance. Also it’s insane how you could literally tell that the couple loved each other in real life too

Popular reviews

  • 2046



    I was truly captivated by the colours in the film, as they played a crucial role in shaping the atmosphere and visual storytelling. What also stood out is how the music always played at just the right moment, perfectly in sync with the emotions showed. Such touching dialogue. As he said, feelings can creep up on you unawares, but I actually prefer it that way.

    “Loving is all a matter of timing. It’s no good meeting the right person too…

  • Love Actually

    Love Actually


    La tercera vegada que la veig este any. Desequilibrada? No. Romàntica perduda? Si. Lo meu prototip l’ha establert el Colin Firth, plsss marry me 😭😭😭 i just know i would make him so happy 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼. Hands down la meva romcom preferida all time.

    Fiel creient de que els aeroports han vist les llàgrimes més sinceres. També vull dir que la reflexió de que “if you look for it, i’ve got a sneaky feeling, you’ll find that love is actually all around”…
