

Contrarian who loves bad movies and hates everything made after 1990. (Mostly.)

Favorite films

  • The Exorcist
  • King Kong
  • Forbidden Zone
  • Suspiria

Recent activity

  • The Seventh Day


  • Alien: Romulus


  • Color Out of Space


  • Twins of Evil


Recent reviews

  • The Seventh Day

    The Seventh Day


    5 stars, my little sister was crew for this 😂

  • Alien: Romulus

    Alien: Romulus


    (I got free tickets, don't judge me.) Soooo...this was suspenseful at least. Casting like a CW teen soap opera, braindead dialogue, and one very fake-looking Ian Holms. Convoluted storyline (a common problem nowadays) and implausible resolution with a few too many close calls to maintain suspension of disbelief. Kudos for the use of practical effects though, and good sound design. Was initially impressed by the scoring, until I learned that half of it was lifted from previous entries in the series - or from other sources entirely. Ah well...definitely not the worst film I've seen this year.

Popular reviews

  • Paganini Horror

    Paganini Horror


    MUCH better than I was led to believe. Some of the best worst dubbing I've ever seen in a film. Cool trashy europop song/"music video" (😂) in the middle. Donald Pleasance! The main chick from 'Demons!' And I'll watch anything with Daria Nicolodi. Some cool effects and neat set pieces toward the end. Nonsensical story and unsatisfying ending, but an intriguing initial premise...If the filmmakers had had actual time or money on their hands, this could have been epic.

  • Scorpion with Two Tails

    Scorpion with Two Tails


    Boring, disjointed plot, recycled music, histrionic lead actress who *won't*stop*shrieking* - but the hokey, faux archaeological stuff was fun. Etruscans in film are rare (apart from 'Burial Ground,' I can't think of any other examples,) so - extra points for that. As with so much Italian horror/gialli/poliziotteschi, random fashion model photo shoots are thrown in for good measure, Surprisingly elaborate ancient tomb/temple sets - and any film with my husband Paolo Malco in it is def worth a watch
