

Favorite films

  • Aliens
  • The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
  • Return of the Jedi
  • Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

Recent activity

  • Silent Night


  • Focus


  • The Flash


  • The Iron Claw


Recent reviews

  • Silent Night

    Silent Night


    John Woo retread.

  • The Flash

    The Flash


    Is it just me or do some effects look rushed and unfinished?! Btw, Michael Keaton still delivers as the Batman.

Popular reviews

  • 1st Time 16mm

    1st Time 16mm

    Para mim, foi também a 1a vez que o vi completo. Julgo tratar-se de uma autobiografia de Rui Goulart. É terrivelmente trágico e simultaneamente maravilhoso a tantos níveis. Não consigo catalogá-lo ou quantificá-lo porque não sei se é como é, de forma propositada ou não. É simplesmente enigmático.

  • Aliens Expanded

    Aliens Expanded


    Aliens changed my life!
    I was (+ -) 10 years old when I saw it for the first time. It was midnight and without my parents knowing, I saw it all alone! It's intensity blew my mind. It was relentless non-stop from beginning to the end. Its constantly building up tension and the first glimpse we see of an alien is almost at 1h running time.

    I know I'm one of the few, but I prefer the theatrical version, because it…
