
pearce790 Pro

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  • 2001: A Space Odyssey
  • Fargo
  • Clueless
  • Do the Right Thing

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Recent reviews

  • Michael Clayton

    Michael Clayton


    awesome first movie for Tony Gilroy. It’s exciting, current, and a bit pulpy. The plot feels intentionally opaque, in a sort of Christopher Nolan-esque way in that ultimately only some of the plot becomes transparent. 

    George Clooney is solid here, but not excellent. It’s giving one-note. Tilda Swinton and Tom Wilkinson, however…

  • Flow



    I love how the film suggests so many questions, and answers so few of them! You’re really put into the unknowing lens of these animals (which don’t occupy the same actual habitats), making their plight and adventure far more real. 

    Strange animation, but it’s beautiful once you settle into it. Sometimes I wish the colors were a bit more saturated?

Popular reviews

  • The Fog

    The Fog


    Not trying to “yuck your yum”, but this movie is boring, uninteresting, and ridiculous. The “critical re-evaluation” of this movie was wrong — it’s not good!! John Carpenter literally using the score from Halloween as the score to this movie is so uncreative. Have some self-respect!! I dare you to take the premise of a vengeful ghost and make a more uninteresting movie. 

    There is one positive quality of this movie: Janet Leigh/Jamie Lee Curtis give great performances, and it’s fun to see this famous mother/daughter pair together on screen, especially in a horror/thriller!!

  • A Different Man

    A Different Man


    The exploration of identity, how it’s impacted by our past, and our ability to change is explored in a wildly novel way. This is quite unsettling, as body horror often is, but is thematically complex and far more than the body horror and doubling you see in the trailer. 

    Schimberg’s script is impressive — there’s so much symbolism to unpack. And Sebastian Stan is remarkable. How he wasn’t nominated for Best Actor is truly beyond me.