Peter Fontaine

Peter Fontaine

Favorite films

  • Good Will Hunting
  • About Time
  • The Last Duel
  • The Incredibles

Recent activity

  • Breaking Up


  • Valentine's Day


  • Brooklyn


  • National Treasure


Recent reviews

  • Breaking Up

    Breaking Up


    Absolutely showed it's age and had some horrible sound contrast for just watching at home, but it's charming in many ways. It feels very much like a stage play. Everything feels real and heated and off the cuff like these arguments would be. There are a few monologues that sort of shocked me how much they pulled me in, but these are two real people that don't work, it is enticing to watch them struggle at it. In some ways, a bland sort of nothing movie and on another hand very challenging and different.

  • Valentine's Day

    Valentine's Day


    Ensemble rom com is always a hit for me. Mega-chaotic, sometimes hard to follow and unpredictable are good things for me here. A few faces (T-Swift) that are wild to see in a movie make it a bit fun. All-in-all good issues to overcome and a classic love triumphs all message that always works for me.

Popular reviews

  • Redline



    As Mike described it, "animation on top of animation." Just a fun as hell movie that is very loudly what it is. A little outrageous, but all in good fun.