

A silly little diary for myself ✨
Not a full log July 2017–Oct 2021 | Not exact dates 2013–14.

Favorite films

  • The Apartment
  • The Red Shoes
  • The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
  • Muriel's Wedding

Recent activity

  • All About My Mother


  • Holy Motors


  • Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person


  • Fallen Leaves


Recent reviews

  • Fallen Leaves

    Fallen Leaves


    I love Kaurismäki’s blend of studio theatre mise-en-scène and lighting x neo-realism x dry humour. Was tempted to watch more of his work in one go (Le Havre is one of my favourite films of all time), but I think i’d rather savour them. 

    who was that diva singing schubert at karaoke

  • Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person

    Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person


    Cute! Not deep, but a perfectly nice little movie

Popular reviews

  • Hard Boiled

    Hard Boiled

    Questioned why I enjoyed this and hated Man of Steel, given that both are 1. aggressively noisy 2. relentless and 3. are structured in a way that makes it impossible to determine when the actual climax is. But it boils down to this: there's real stunts, real action, and I'm terrified for everyone's lives. I have no clue how John Woo directed this on a relatively small budget and without anyone getting killed.

    Chow Yun Fat's character is a massive…

  • Manhunter



    Glad I gave Michael Mann another go after being mildly disappointed by Heat. I think his aesthetics SLAP when applied to pulp, instead of angling for prestige. He reminds me of John Carpenter a bit, in the way he treats somewhat silly material with the right amount of seriousness. 

    Like the very ‘80s songs and window smashing should feel self-indulgent, yet it adds a sense of propulsion and dynamism. It never undermines the deep-rooted melancholy either.

    Fuck the haters, Petersen…