Absolutely amazing. Can’t believe I haven’t seen this before. The classic court jester speaking truth to power.
Also, just checked out what Chaplin actually looked like and eh… what a babe? Help I have a crush on a man born in the 19th century.
Absolutely amazing. Can’t believe I haven’t seen this before. The classic court jester speaking truth to power.
Also, just checked out what Chaplin actually looked like and eh… what a babe? Help I have a crush on a man born in the 19th century.
Society had another run at the manic pixie dream girl. She started saying no to things and the men were even more transfixed!
The men want to be put in touch with their hurt inner child so bad, they’ll put women in cages to get it.
Story, acting, costumes, locations - all stellar!
Crying a complete river and tributaries at this. It’s so sad to see elderly people effectively become helpless children. A reminder of all mortality, the pain of Alzheimer’s and how much everyone just really needs human connection. Stellar.