

"I wish I didn't care about anything."
Spotify: Zeyarh


Favorite films

  • Bones and All
  • The United States of Leland
  • Waves
  • My Neighbor Totoro

Recent activity

  • Cast Away


  • Rush Hour


  • The Silent Child


  • A Real Pain


Recent reviews

  • Rush Hour

    Rush Hour


    "The girl don’t like you! Nobody likes you!"

    I liked it, it was funny but it was also like boring. It was way too long it could've been shorter way easily. Plus I didn't wanna really watch it in the first place. A guy that's fine shyt sent a snap of the movie and I was just like alright I gotchu so I watched it in school. He noticed me by the way he said rush hour was tuff so…

  • The Silent Child

    The Silent Child


    "Do you think she could get a job?"

    This was just a short film we watched in school because like we didn't have anything better to do. This was so beautiful as a person that's not deaf or know anyone that's deaf it felt so eye opening to see the struggle that this little girl had too go through with no one understanding her or her not understanding anyone before Joanne came. I obviously knew that being deaf or blind…

Popular reviews

  • Priscilla



    "You're losing me to a life of my own"

    Wow this was truly a beautiful movie. Everything about it was just so perfect. I really loved the whole style and vibe of this movie. I don't actually know anything about Elvis or Priscilla and their story and I've seen alot of people saying that this is inaccurate but that doesn't really matter too me. It was just so beautiful the song choices fitted perfectly and it was just beautifully done.…

  • Mother, Couch

    Mother, Couch


    "We always encourage our clients to leave."

    I thought it was a pretty strange movie dont get me wrong I enjoyed it but something was off. I didnt quiet follow through out the movie theree was soemtimes when I was like oh wait I get it and then like 2 seconds later it was like im lost at sea. I did only watch this for Taylor Russle I mean she's my wife like hello?? I watch EVERYTHING my wife is…
