Deleting tags…
- with friends 63
- kentucky theatre 43
- max 20
- adelaide 13
- lucy 13
- lydia 11
- beaux 10
- andy 8
- mcl 283 6
- mom 6
- nanny 6
- wren 6
- worsham 5
- emma 4
- eva 4
- sydney 4
- baxter 3
- bella 3
- brenna 2
- dad 2
- grace (technically she was like 16 rows away) 2
- actually brandon cronenberg wishes he could make this
- adults drool
- also if u were wondering barbies tree scenes were shit
- amc :(
- and it was never as mucky as theirs but it's how it felt to be in
- andrew
- at my dorme
- brooo i learned in this movie i would be the girl who stays even though he sucks ass
- dun num mum num nun nun nunun
- dun num mum nun nun
- election night distraction
- eman
- fayette mall cenimark
- feeling less bitter
- friends
- fuck ! fuck!
- fuckkkkkk
- god damn mom apologizing scenes fuck me up every time
- gonna have that song stuck in my head....
- grace
- hi max and lucy:)
- hiiiii amdy max and lucy
- hospital
- i don't feel as strongly as i did about after yang but i feel like i still got a lot from this movie
- i dont think anyone has prettier movies oh my god
- i knew id love it
- i think i liked it a lot more than the last time i saw it
- i'm gonna play silent hill 4 now....
- id been saving this for a while
- im biased tho
- lettie
- lex live
- like i'm not joking that tv room was exactly like mine growing up but mine was slightly less dingy and instead of bugs it was mice
- marty
- natasha
- regal
- seb
- shelby8
- still my favorite i think
- tinseltown
- with family
- work