Peter H

Peter H Pro

Favorite films

  • Alien
  • Belladonna of Sadness
  • The Big Lebowski
  • Pulse

Recent activity

  • Kills on Wheels


  • Dirty Ho


  • Ponyo


  • Committed


Recent reviews

  • Kills on Wheels

    Kills on Wheels


    Kills on Wheels is Hungarian drama about two teenagers with physical disabilities. We witness of a lot of the microaggressions that are stock and standard for these types of stories (and, admittedly, for the lives of people with disabilities). But the story here is significantly leavened by a crime-related plot thread. The two teens become friends with a hitman who is, himself, in a wheelchair. There seems to be some narrative trickery surrounding their relationship, and I was satisfied with how it all sorted out in the end. The movie is also slightly funny, but I think copy that describes it as "hilarious" is exaggerating.

  • Dirty Ho

    Dirty Ho


    So, before going into this all I really knew about it was the title and the poster. It looked like one of the characters was wearing a black t-shirt, so I assumed it was some sort of John Woo-style dirty cop drama. But it's not! Like lots of other Shaw Brothers flicks, it's a kung-fu movie set in [gestures vaguely to cover his ignorance] imperial China.

    This one dials up the comedy relative to some of the other Shaw Bros…

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