Follow my cinematic journey as I watch too many movies so you don't have to.
I review as I watch.
Back in the day, though, you know, when I was starting out, you only needed two things: little common sense and a good bottle of Scotch.
A straight forward true story, no unnecessary side stories, no wasted time, just the thrilling story of a deep sea dive gone wrong, and the people that did what they needed to do.
Our world is a tire fire floating on an ocean of piss.
Why the all the hate? Is this movie going to win an Oscar? No, but it's still a solid flick. Nothing to great, but nothing too bad. Maybe people wanted more knowing how much money it cost and the amount of famous actors involved I guess? Just watch it, it's a fun popcorn movie.
It's not important how many people I've killed. What's important is how I get along with the people who are still alive.
Matthew Perry and Bruce Willis are fun together and there really should have been more interactions with them together because that's where this movie shines. Everything else is meh, and the whole thing together is just ok.