It’s catch up time.
Beau Is Afraid, Past Lives, Dream Scenario, and several more to watch before the end of the year.
A shallow intimidation or extraordinary cosplay. Can't decide which.
Was entertained? Sometimes. Was I satisfied. Not really. The sequel failed to reach the marry heights or the emotional depths of the original.
Denzel Washington great.
A good watch and very eye opening. I seems as of Andrew's fear of what the Best Pack label could do to his career became somewhat of a self fulfilling prophecy. The ones who embraced it (Rob Lowe), or ignored it (Demi Moore) went on to find much more success. Even Ally Sheedy, whose career didn't reach the heights of the two others mentioned, seems to be, not only at peace with her place in the Brar Pack, but grateful…
Good thing Jake got jacked for this role because he carried the whole movie on his shoulders