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  • Carnage: Swallowing the Past

    Carnage: Swallowing the Past

    "We are not Vegans. They are Carnists."

    I love that this is unique in its deliverance of the vegan message—satirising the movement, but still having heart behind it that ultimately spreads the message.

    There is still some disturbing images and language, but with the topic it is inevitable. And while I personally went vegan one-and-a-half years ago after watching the documentary Earthlings, which was of course very uncomfortable viewing, I think the format in Carnage may work for the movement…

  • Ghostbusters



    I feel like I simultaneously expected too much but also too little going into this film, and when I came out the first time I blindly loved it, which is not a common occurrence for me coming out of the cinema.

    The only reason I expected too much was because I so desperately wanted all the people who hated it outright for sexist reasons to be wrong. I know, I know, #NotAllGhostbustersHaters hated it for sexist reasons, but I still…