Marko Pilja

Marko Pilja

Odbijam da objasnim svoje ocene ali imam detaljne razloge iza svake i mogu da objasnim nije problem.

Favorite films

  • Taste of Cherry
  • Monster
  • The Apartment
  • Poor Things

Recent activity

  • Taste of Cherry


  • Nosferatu


  • Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince


  • Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix


Recent reviews

  • Taste of Cherry

    Taste of Cherry


    If I had a nickle for each time I unknowingly watched a film about suicide this year, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s not even March so it’s weird that it happened twice. Anyway this is a masterpiece and I really need everyone to watch it and I guess I’m going away now to live my life to the fullest or something?? I don’t know, it’s 1:48AM on a Monday and I wasn’t expecting a warm cup of motivation from this

  • Nosferatu



    I mean everyone has that one complicated thing with an ex but this is ridiculous

Popular reviews

  • Princess Mononoke

    Princess Mononoke


    Mijazaki je napravio ovaj film kako bi mogli barem malo da iskusimo nivo mržnje koji on ima prema čovečanstvu i hvala mu na tome.

  • Poor Things

    Poor Things


    Za rođendan želim da sve ljude koji su se aktivno žalili na političku agendu u Barbie zaključamo u bioskop i puštamo im ovo nekih solidnih 24 do 48 sati. Uglavnom, top 3 filma ikada Yorgose ne želim nikad da te upoznam mada bi popričao sa tvojim psihijatrom ovako generalno hvala ti od srca.
