A Passionate Fruit
All but given up on reviewing my viewing, so this is predominantly just for ratings now.
Admirably bleak, but I never quite clicked with it or the (contextually appropriate, yet visually unappealing) coffee stain grade.
Notable in that Sarah Snook shows up for several minutes and steals the entire movie.
Far from my favourite Bond (nothing with that barn scene ever could be), but this is really where it all clicked into place and boasts a ton of series/formula-defining moments and iconography.
Because Flaccid Four was presumably already taken…
I’ll admit my rating system is a little bent towards opinion (as it perhaps should be) , and I’ll often only award a film the dreaded single star if it is laughably awful (Terminator Salvation, Olympus Has Fallen), fails miserably at everything it sets out to do ( Kick-Ass 2, Everly ), or just really doesn’t work for me (The Rover, Blackhat).
In recent times I’ve been defining my 1.5 Star rating as…
The animation is good, the writing isn’t.
Having not played the game which this is spun off from – though I do own it (never got around to it before I ceased gaming) – I have the unsubstantiated feeling that the story being told here is completely redundant.
I know enough about the Dead Space game to know that the player is simply thrown onto the Ishimura free of much context or experience with the ghastly creatures. While for a…