

i revew the hingest quality movies

Favorite films

  • Pinocchio 3000
  • The Lion King
  • Jungle Emperor Leo
  • Kung Fu Panda

Recent activity

  • Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater


  • Wonderful Precure!


  • Silver Fang: The Shooting Star Gin


  • Kiki & Lala's Hansel and Gretel


Recent reviews

  • Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater

    Hello Kitty's Furry Tale Theater


    only wached 2 episodes but 5 stars no questions

  • Wonderful Precure!

    Wonderful Precure!


    i had a good time with the silly autistic dog girl tsm komugi

Popular reviews

  • Astro Boy

    Astro Boy


    rewached yesterday (and a copule of times before)
    i noiticed that i am...liking the movie more and more with each watch?
    idk if its my cirtical sense slowly dieing or me just geting used to the movie but that's how i feel
    im gonna up my rating to 6 outta 10

  • Pinocchio 3000

    Pinocchio 3000


    eng: what is pinocchio 3000?
    for the sick the cure
    for the blind the light
    for the deaf the sound
    for the starving a feast
    this movie is far greater that anything created by the flawed species know as mankind and the ones criticizing just cant undersatnd the greatness of this audiovisual masterpice (caling it a "movie" its an insult) wich is far this is not for he weak of heart. but soon the day wil come, the day when…