

Favorite films

  • It's Such a Beautiful Day
  • Audition
  • The Basketball Diaries
  • Memories of Murder

Recent activity

  • Memories of Murder


  • The Basketball Diaries


  • Audition


  • It's Such a Beautiful Day


Recent reviews

  • Memories of Murder

    Memories of Murder


    This movie just gets better as it goes. The movie knows how to put u on perspective of detectives, as u are as ignorant as them the whole time, and u can see how the comedy part of the movie starts to go off as they get more involved and more exhausted, to the point where the movie is just panic.

    One of the best endings of a movie ever (even more if u consider the year the movie was done and the timeline of the events portrayed).

  • The Basketball Diaries

    The Basketball Diaries


    A movie about how pain can throw your life away. If u are that type of person that have that crazy group of friends that u love with your life, then u surely have at least once think about "damn I don't know what I would do if one of these mfs die". This movie gets you down there, and show u how low u can hit.

    Best junkie movie for me.
    Also best DiCaprio movie for me.

Popular reviews

  • Audition



    I'm an horror fan (being actually the most genre that I consume), and never cried to an horror movie before this one, Takashi Miike built one of the most complete female antagonist on horror movies, not saying too much but expressing a lot visually. This movie can have u laughing, feeling romantic, scared and sad at once.

    A movie about trauma, abuse, love and pain.

  • It's Such a Beautiful Day

    It's Such a Beautiful Day


    It's just 1 hour long and it will change your life, for good and as long as it lasts
