Hey remember when 11 people was the magic number you needed to shun a racist into silence?
You lousy bunch of bleeding hearts you're not gonna intimidate me, I'm entitled to my opinion!
Hey remember when 11 people was the magic number you needed to shun a racist into silence?
You lousy bunch of bleeding hearts you're not gonna intimidate me, I'm entitled to my opinion!
Oh wow my exact kink what are the chances
Looks like everything sure is in the right place this time.
Feels casually put together but lands, is great.
Can't add more without sounding like a literary award judge.
I wish I could go back to not selling books.
Spectacular. Napoleonic Top Gun.
Good thing Weir got all his "young man frustrated with lack of agency self harms as plot device" out of his system before Truman Show.
Not all of us become the men we once hoped we might be.