

if you don't have anything nice 2 say don't say it at all.

Favorite films

  • The Young Girls of Rochefort
  • The Wind Rises
  • The Devil, Probably
  • An American in Paris

Recent activity

  • American Psycho


  • For a Few Dollars More


  • Paths of Glory


  • PlayTime


Recent reviews

  • Paths of Glory

    Paths of Glory


    overview of man's pride and hubris seen from all fronts and all ranks

    many films that claim to be "anti-war" fail to be as they still perpetuate why war exists and why we fight. Paths of Glory isn't an "anti-war" film, but it's definitely a true war film. it shows the uselessness of modern wars and conflicts, despite Colonel Dax still perpetuating the image of a good soldier.
    Paths of Glory is a heaping mess of bureaucracy, injustice, public image,…

  • Diary of a Shinjuku Thief

    Diary of a Shinjuku Thief


    like sex ed all over again

Popular reviews

  • The Devil, Probably

    The Devil, Probably


    Insight into the minds of youth maturing in the cultural and passionless wasteland of today(or maybe just France), only that was made 46 years before. The pain of trying to find and fulfill yourself in this world while also trying to cope with day to day life isn't one new to our generation, or our parents, or so on; but situations and optics change. This film does a good job of painting it not as a personal issue, but one…

  • The Young Girls of Rochefort

    The Young Girls of Rochefort


    Bliss bliss bliss