Mehckey 17.
It was like a mish mash of all of my favourite elements of Bong Joon Ho’s films churned up into a spaceship dystopia with Edward from twilight.
That cinema must’ve been very dusty or the film was beautifully tragic because I don’t think I stopped sobbing from about 20 mins in!
Wonderful performances from all the cast particularly Brenda Song and I mean Pamela Anderson cmon!!!! That could be her last performance ever and I wouldn’t complain because that is definitely the best in her career.
It only looses half a star because it felt at times that the score and cool arty shots of the leads on the vegas strip felt like filler shots in between plot points .
Look I’m not too sure how serious a film about an accident making monkey statue can be but they really didn’t need to cram the ha ha funny down my throat and then use the gore as an extra joke/ horror shock value