

Favorite films

  • The Wicker Man

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  • Aniara


  • The Dunwich Horror


  • Psycho


  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture


Recent reviews

  • Aniara



    Can’t really review this without a spoiler, so will just have to say it’s a great nihilistic watch. 

    The way the passengers end up forming cults is good, and the way the ‘holodeck’ computer kills itself is HAL-type sci-fi goodness too.

    The ending is… you’ll just have to watch it!

  • The Dunwich Horror

    The Dunwich Horror


    Okay, so a lot of people dislike this film and I totally get why. It’s very slow-moving, but, if you like reading HP Lovecraft, as I do, man, the books are even sloooowerrrr! 

    So this was like quite snappy compared with reading the actual story. And I loved the 1970s psychedelic horror effects. I didn’t mind not seeing any monster, Lovecraft is all about ‘the unseen horror’ and leaving everything hinted at until the very end, so it seemed fitting…

Popular reviews

  • Easy Rider

    Easy Rider


    I love the soundtrack to this movie, best bit is the Byrds ‘Wasn’t Born to Follow’ as they ride on in the sunshine. Jack Nicholson is good in it too.

  • Star Trek: The Motion Picture

    Star Trek: The Motion Picture


    Christmas is a time when you have the time to watch old films and that’s what I’ve done today. All the original cast are young enough here to be convincing as spaceship heroes. We get to see the Enterprise looking like a real thing as opposed to the obvious toy model of the original 1960s shows - that’s really a boon for the 1979 viewer - we’re very used to seeing realistic stuff nowadays.  

    What was interesting to me…