I’m stealing Mickey’s voice for my next DnD character.
Fun movie. Ruffalo as a televangelist was great.
Movie was long at points though.
Some really beautiful cinematography, but also the Catholic church’s imagery is just kind of a cheat code of reverence and gravitas.
Fiennes is brilliant as always.
Honestly enjoyed the political intrigue of it all.
Ending had a lot of potential but kind of fell flat for me for some reason. Like the idea and writing was good, it just felt like anticlimactic in delivery?
Finally, why is the priest hitting that vape so hard???????? I wonder if it was incense flavored.
This movie is so bad. The writing is atrocious, I mean I laughed aloud at how bad it was multiple times. The humor is repetitive and overdone.
I’m all for like a campy horror or “bad horror”, this isn’t even that. This is a worse final destination.
The only saving grace was I saw it at Tarantino’s Vista theatre, which has nothing to do with the movie lol.
I could proliferate endlessly about why this movie has so thoroughly impressed me, and I will, but I want to summarize the beauty of the movie’s journey through its own captioning.
This is one of the most refreshing takes on a recovering addict that I have ever seen. It avoids so many addict tropes (e.g., addicts stuff gets stolen and slips, addict runs into a dealer and slips, addict’s…