

Favorite films

  • Fish Tank
  • Home of the Brave
  • Sweetie
  • Chinese Puzzle

Recent activity

  • The Seventh Seal


  • Isle of Dogs


  • The Magician


  • Awesome Runaway!!


Recent reviews

  • The Magician

    The Magician


    A quirky film in a way I wasn't prepared for. It shifts between the kind of morose existentialism you'd expect from Bergman and a sort of a snake oil medicine man farce. There are moments that are really great, such scenes with the love potion or the final trick, but even those felt very incongruent and unsatisfying in relation to the rest of the film. It's a film that ultimately gets somewhere satisfying, but we have little to grasp on to along the way.

  • Awesome Runaway!!

    Awesome Runaway!!


    The acting, choreography, and effects aren't spectacular, but it's very ambitious and to their credit they pull off the Birdman-style one shot. There's not really a story here, just 7 minutes of action with sort of a flat punchline at the end.

    Still nice to see something original coming out of New Caledonia!

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