

my little simple, brilliant setup

Favorite films

  • Legend of the Galactic Heroes: Overture to a New War
  • Raise the Red Lantern
  • Through the Olive Trees
  • A Brighter Summer Day

Recent activity

  • I'm Still Here


  • The Seed of the Sacred Fig


  • Central Station


  • Profound Desires of the Gods


Recent reviews

  • An Orange from Jaffa

    An Orange from Jaffa

    I Will Write Our Will Above the Clouds. Palestinian Films & Fundraiser:
    **Below are the list of showings with little notes I'll remember them in the future.

    An Orange from Jaffa, Mohammed Almughanni, 2023, 27 mins
    - Po-land not Ho-lland. Amazing.

    Control Anatomy, Mahmoud Alhaj, 2023, 17 mins.
    -Gryphon, aerial shots of weapons. My favorite.

    UNDR, Kamal Aljafari 2024, 15 mins.
    -Sweeping helicopter & static shots.

    Scenes From Under Occupation in Gaza, Mustafa Abu Ali, 1973, 11 mins.
    -Stored by Tokyo Palestine…

  • Secrets & Lies

    Secrets & Lies


    Love the intentionality & atypical shots. It blends that anti-dialogue with a stellar natural and theatrical performance. While I think it fails to bring everything into a perfect balance, I love the uniqueness. The camera acts and moves like a drama, a stage play and a third observer. Constantly shifting in/out/between scenes, breaking energy yet keeping narrative momentum. Has a very unique quality I can't describe with its intention.

Popular reviews

  • There's Still Tomorrow

    There's Still Tomorrow


    I feel like im missing a very important element of italian culture/history here. As a viewing experience of not italian it was ass. Downright insulting how the movie perceives its audience to be stupid. in the first 30 mins you get ingratiatingly and cartoonishly told how women are treated unfairly. Ok good setup, move on. After all that a character, like a fucking soliloquy, directly states, so that the audience knows, this film is about how women are treated badly.…

  • The Brutalist

    The Brutalist


    Very small introduction by the cinematographer, Lol Crawley and I've never heard such an excited crowd too!

    What is art and is it worth it? Is art about a statement of its creator or a product of something else? A creation of love, of hatred, of wonder and of the desire to create something?

    This felt such a dramatic and both grand but unfocused outpouring of the existence of art. The trailers and talks tout this as a grand and…