
Polanville Pro

Favorite films

  • Army of Shadows
  • Barton Fink
  • Le Trou
  • The Pianist

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  • Night Moves


  • American Beauty


  • The Favourite


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Recent reviews

  • Solaris



    Вероятно, на Тарковского оказала сильное влияние «Космическая одиссея» Кубрика. Помимо собственно жанра научной фантастики, это видится в длинных сценах без героев и диалогов. Если у Кубрика длинные планы демонстрировали новые технологические достижения человечества в безмятежном и холодном космосе, то у Тарковского длинный план демонстрирует отчуждение в современном мире, но почему-то через длинный проезд по Токио. Тема явно позаимствована из фильмов Антониони, но здесь выглядит не очень уместной, да и по сюжету использование японского города выглядит довольно нелепо.

    Начиная с этого…

  • Cast Away

    Cast Away


    I really love the main portion of this film, starting with the spectacular plane crash. When Zemeckis can’t rely on bombastic or sentimental dialogue, he proves himself a master of precise, minimal techniques that not only push the story forward but also reveal the protagonist’s character: gradually exploring a new environment, sudden unsettling noises (which turn out to be just falling coconuts), scavenging items from the crashed plane’s packages, the distant lights of a ship offering sudden hope, the unexpected…

Popular reviews

  • Footprints on the Moon

    Footprints on the Moon


    For most of the film, you’ll have to watch close-ups of Florinda Bolkan, who almost always wears the same gloomy expression. The dialogue scenes that use cross-cutting with close-ups look especially awkward.
    From time to time, the narrative is interrupted by scenes from a sort of sci-fi film about an experiment on the Moon (strangely enough under Earth-like gravity), which the heroine dreams about. The filmmakers try to build suspense and mystery around her investigation at the Garma hotel, but…

  • Beauty and the Beast

    Beauty and the Beast


    The film opens with Cocteau’s text, urging viewers to open their hearts and watch with a child’s eyes by saying “Open Sesame”. Unfortunately, for me, that “Sesame” never opened. Its outdated theatricality - with moving sets, and the actors’ exaggerated gestures and expressions - almost immediately lulls you to sleep. Jean Marais, in his Beast costume, looks as though he’s performing in a children’s Christmas pageant, while Josette Day, with her somnambulistic gait, fails to make any impression and does nothing to elicit sympathy for the heroine.
