
Pookyloo Pro

Favorite films

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once
  • Interstellar
  • Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
  • It's Such a Beautiful Day

Recent activity

  • Nothing to Hide (Bad Kid Stuff)


  • Fauve


  • Snooze Quest


  • Stupid Dinner


Pinned reviews

  • meow mix

    meow mix


    Watch meow mix on YouTube here.

    Hi, Letterboxd filmies.

    I put in a few hours to try to get meow mix onto Letterboxd from TMDB, and as you can see, the mission was successful. My poster design wasn't the pick for the film, though, which is unfortunate. Why did I do it? Because meow mix is my favourite short film of all time. I never get sick of watching this thing.

    meow mix leaves a lot up to interpretation, but…

  • Paint Drying

    Paint Drying

    This is why I don't like series, stop asking
    A Pookyloo Statement


    The current status of academic film is that it is hard to define where exactly the confines of a film are. Because this is a conversation about art, it must be addressed that art has no rules or bounds. That's the same reason why a film about paint drying can have so many accolades and fans. That being said, this statement will be an entirely subjective opinion…

Recent reviews

  • Nothing to Hide (Bad Kid Stuff)

    Nothing to Hide (Bad Kid Stuff)


    maybe court would be better with a live studio audience

  • Fauve



    So did Tyler win by default? Can we get the rulebook up?

Popular reviews

  • Snooze Quest

    Snooze Quest


    the placement of every visual element in this film is actually flawless

  • Runaways



    the devil's (and in this case, the angel's) in the details, and when it comes to shorts like this, it's all about making those two minutes last as long as possible. Thanks in part to the beautiful rendering, but most of the charm comes from the very human feeling of just being silly girls. I watched it twice and remember every shot from start to finish.