

Favorite films

  • Clueless
  • Millennium Mambo
  • Eden
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  • Hell Comes to Frogtown

  • The Beales of Grey Gardens


  • Mickey 17


  • Videodrome


Recent reviews

  • Hell Comes to Frogtown

    Hell Comes to Frogtown

    Children….of Man. Fell asleep with about a half hour to go; saw plenty of Hell, sad to miss more of Frogtown.

  • The Beales of Grey Gardens

    The Beales of Grey Gardens


    The world used to be so much quieter.

Popular reviews

  • Everything Everywhere All at Once

    Everything Everywhere All at Once


    I feel like, in response to growing up and realizing they’re not meant to be important artists or leaders or activists or whatever, and that they’re just living an ordinary adult life like the rest of us, certain millennials have doubled down on that disappointment from the high expectations they had in childhood and are now like, actually I am the *most* important person in every universe that exists. Multiversal main character syndrome.

    With an escalating mass mental health crisis…

  • Ready Player One

    Ready Player One

    "I hate myself

    I hate myself

    I hate myself

    For loving you"

    The text people are searching for to decode this bizarre film is Hiroki Azuma's critical theory book Otaku: Japan's Database Animals. I first heard of the book through McKenzie Wark, who, following Azuma, posited that Japan had begun grappling with post-modernity several decades earlier than the rest of the world. This I think is true, because what began in Japan can be seen emerging in the United States…