renee rapp I need u like I need air
that shot of cady in revenge party is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life
The cinema heating was broken so I watched this bundled in coats
(Watched with Lacey)
renee rapp I need u like I need air
that shot of cady in revenge party is the funniest thing I’ve ever seen in my whole life
The cinema heating was broken so I watched this bundled in coats
(Watched with Lacey)
essential watching to school riley before we watch the finale
my favourite part was my brother who has never seen any of the hunger games before asking who snow was
(watched with Riley and Alfie)
this was such a beautiful CRAZY film on grief and moving on. i could feel every other ghibli film living in it
watched the first ten minutes and then the rest of 30x speed bc my brother got bored
(watched with alf)