Pacing was perfect, everything was perfect top 10 of all time for me, p Felt like what leon the professional shoulda or coulda been.
Really good
Pacing was perfect, everything was perfect top 10 of all time for me, p Felt like what leon the professional shoulda or coulda been.
Really good
This movie was horrible
The plot was non sense from start to finish
Cinematography was shit start to finish
The colour grade looks like a 2008 Chrysler commercial from start to finish
Vince vaughn was shit start to finish
If i knew I was going watch 2hr vince fucking vaughn impression of bruce lee, i would have rather stared at the back of my eyelids for the duration of the movie.
Also dead serious. Theres not one single brawl in this movie.
Anyone who genuinely thinks this movie is good, they should get their head stomped in by Vince fucking Vaughn.