Marshall is an accurate representation of trump. When presented with 2 Mickeys, do you:
A. Kill one Mickey
B. Eiffel Tower Mickeys
C. Give one Mickey to your friend
Reagan jumpscare!!!! I am so serious. If the sight of that decrepit, soul-sucking, psychopath has an adverse effect on your mood, please be prepared!!
No because Dr. Crews using mom as a human shield against Jason is actually insane. What a cockroach?? While this film isn’t as fun as part 6, and the characters are unbelievably insufferable, it’s decent enough. Zombie Jason is awesome after all. I’m wondering how Tommy feels about these events.
“There’s no wood.”
“We’re in a forest???”
Badass. Definitely my favorite of the series so far because it’s so unbelievably 80s, and it feels like the quintessential Friday the 13th film. I mean, there’s actually kids at the camp this time, and at this point Jason is straight up ripping hearts out, literally. Goofy movie, I love it. Tommy could’ve avoided all of this if he understood how lightning works.