NB: LotR and Kill Bill movies count as one movie a piece.
Hitchcock Ranked
My Ranking of Alfred Hitchcock Movies (that I’ve seen)
Tarantino Ranked
My rankings of Quentin Tarantino movies (that I’ve seen)
Ford Ranked
My rankings of John Ford movies (that I’ve seen)
Double Features
Movies that I think pair well with each other.
My favorite romantic comedies
Wilder Ranked
My ranking of Billy Wilder movies (that I’ve seen)
Favorite Film From Each Decade
From the 1920’s to the 2020’s.
Disney Princesses
My ranking of the Disney Princesses (the individuals not the movies)
Wyler Ranked
My rankings of William Wyler movies (that I’ve seen)
Kurosawa Ranked
My rankings of Akira Kurosawa movies (that I’ve seen)