I clearly don't get Argento. I lost track of how many times while watching this I said "the fuck is this horseshit?"
Although I probably said it five times during the absurd final 15 minutes.
The fuck is this horseshit?
This flick is 100% my jam.
700-year-old isolated island mythos turns legit. Gothic cemetery creep setting. Crypt rituals. Reawakening terror.
This feels more like a black mass/Satanic ritual 70s flick than a vampire feeding frenzy. And I'm here for all of it.
Shot exceptionally well and a fantastic final act.
Yeah yeah yeah, I know. Another low budget entry in the public domain fairy tale gone horror
But hear me out. I absolutely loved this flick.
The production was much higher grade than I expected. Great sets, locale, and wardrobe.
And some really good solid - and plentiful - bloody practical kills. You've never seen a stiletto kill so many. :)
The actress playing Ella - in the final act, OMGs her sinister gleeful smiles sold it.
Do we need…
Decent, but ultimately disposable, Saturday afternoon CGI creature flick.
Zero-tension, surprise-free predictable flick that looks purdy and has a couple "oh, that was cool" moments. The time in The Gorge itself has some creepy visuals that I enjoyed.
The "why" was a little eyeroll, but I've seen worse....
Also when you have a two hour movie with basically two people, there's not a lot of concern over their safety, because otherwise there's no movie - and thus not really a lot of edge-of-seat risk.
But keep your expectations low and it's alright.