Puluo 13

Puluo 13

Favorite films

  • The Great Dictator
  • Moonstruck
  • One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
  • Once

Recent activity

  • The Highwaymen


  • The Pledge


  • Runaway Jury


  • Napoleon


Recent reviews

  • The Quiet Man

    The Quiet Man

    The movie is perfect except one thing: the way women are treated. That's how society was back in the 1950's, but it makes those scenes sadly unwatchable. It makes you just sick.
    It is unforgivable what men have done to women through centuries. To see that in a comedy is just painful.

  • Wall Street

    Wall Street


    I did not watch this movie back in the day. Today is just a predictable movie, Charlie Sheen is quite as bad as Daryl Hannah and the writting is not as good as you might think.
    Michael Douglas is amazing, by the way.

Popular reviews

  • Strangers on a Train

    Strangers on a Train


    The novel is way better. Like waaaay better. The movie is just about a good guy trying to scape from the bad guy. Another innocent man, another movie where everyone thinks the man is guilty.
    The novel is just another story. There are no good and bad guys. Way deeper, thoughtful, powerful, disturbing, creative.

  • The Age of Innocence

    The Age of Innocence


    Boring as hell. Overuse of voiceover, which is so redundant. Score seems from tv soap opera.
    Awful editing. Poor cinematography. Terrible make up.
    Daniel Day Lewis is really good. So is the story.
