Brandon Barton

Brandon Barton

Favorite films

  • There Will Be Blood
  • The Batman
  • The Godfather Part II
  • Signs

Recent activity

  • Avengers: Endgame


  • Nosferatu


  • Die Hard With a Vengeance


  • Die Hard 2


Recent reviews

  • Avengers: Endgame

    Avengers: Endgame


    “And I… am…” wishing Marvel still made movies like this

  • Nosferatu



    That Bill Skarsgard was born for creepy and somewhat sexual roles

Popular reviews

  • The Iron Claw

    The Iron Claw


    This movie did more for tighty whities than Breaking Bad ever could

  • Alien: Covenant

    Alien: Covenant


    Watched Prometheus a few hours ago and I can confirm that this film does not answer any of the questions I had but also makes you have a whole new set of questions such as:

    Why do they keep making more Michael Fassbenders? Why did Michael Fassbender have sexual tension with the other Michael Fassbender? Why did they give the main girl that goofy ahh haircut?
