I believe most films, movies are probably three and a half-star.. however sometimes when it its just right, magic happens!!
ok so i'm still not on amphetamines but the guava celsius had me focused enough, that pixies cover sucks ass but everything else had that 2020's 'slightly above par' sheen, seemingly no white or black was involved, just deeply bright and dark blues.... classic friday nite-l8-teen fare, almost 4 bags!
This review may contain spoilers. I can handle the truth.
"If you think you can make it alone in America, go ahead and try"
Maybe Ian Curtis saw HyperNormalisation before most of it ever happened, or perhaps he just witnessed 1979, regardless I do typically adore these tales of so-called geniuses leading themselves down and out, often into a stupor time after time, largely for entertainment but suppose it's not about what I find personal but what seems almost universal, I root for them and why wouldn't I be happy…